kagami / Real-Time Face Generator" is a "three-dimensional mirror" installation that generates a human face in three dimensions. It was installed at the newly established Kao COCOLAB Museum in September of this year. When a visitor's face is scanned with a face scanner, a 3D model is generated on a computer. Based on this data, approximately 5,000 rods are pushed out by motors to create a three-dimensional "face" in real time. Electric make-up art featuring motifs of morning glory, bamboo, butterfly, kingfisher, ibis, sunset, cherry blossom, gold (moon), etc. based on the theme of "flowers, birds, wind, and the moon" will be projected onto the "face".
Digital fabrication symbolized by 3D printers has become a global trend. This work can be said to be one of the influences of this trend. Originally, "objects" and "information" are opposite concepts, but I feel that "objects" and "information" are equivalent. In other words, "existence" can be thought of as consisting of an "array of meaningful information (=code). In the case of humans, DNA is read into the ribosome, a small sphere, and replaced by 20 different amino acids to produce proteins and build the body. In other words, it is essentially generated by the 3D printing concept of life. By extension, the concept of copying life, or artificial cloning, lies at the heart of this work. When you actually experience this installation, you will feel a certain shock. It may be a shock to realize that one's own "existence," which is supposed to be unique in nature, has been duplicated. The title of this work, "kagami," means "to face one's own 'existence.
Digital fabrication symbolized by 3D printers has become a global trend. This work can be said to be one of the influences of this trend. Originally, "objects" and "information" are opposite concepts, but I feel that "objects" and "information" are equivalent. In other words, "existence" can be thought of as consisting of an "array of meaningful information (=code). In the case of humans, DNA is read into the ribosome, a small sphere, and replaced by 20 different amino acids to produce proteins and build the body. In other words, it is essentially generated by the 3D printing concept of life. By extension, the concept of copying life, or artificial cloning, lies at the heart of this work. When you actually experience this installation, you will feel a certain shock. It may be a shock to realize that one's own "existence," which is supposed to be unique in nature, has been duplicated. The title of this work, "kagami," means "to face one's own 'existence.
人間の顔を立体的に生成する「立体鏡」インスタレーション「kagami / Real-Time Face Generator」。本年9月に新設されたKao COCOLABミュージアムに設置されました。体験者の顔をフェイススキャナーでスキャンすると、コンピューター上で3Dモデルデータが生成。そのデータをもとに、約5000本のロッドがモーターにより押し出され、リアルタイムに立体的な「顔」が造り出されます。その「顔」に、「花鳥風月」をテーマにした朝顔、竹、蝶、カワセミ、トキ、夕焼け、桜、金(月)などをモチーフとしたエレクトリック・メイクアップアートがプロジェクションされます。

Media Artist : Nobumichi Asai [WOW]
CG Artist : Shingo Abe [WOW]
Make-Up Artist : Noboru Tomizawa [CUBE Management Office]
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Creative Director : Nobumichi Asai [WOW]
Director : Shingo Abe [WOW]
CG Designer : Tsutomu Miyajima [WOW], Ryo Kitabatake [WOW]
Producer : Shinichi Saeki [WOW]
Project Manager : Ayaka Motoyoshi [WOW]
CG Artist : Shingo Abe [WOW]
Make-Up Artist : Noboru Tomizawa [CUBE Management Office]
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Creative Director : Nobumichi Asai [WOW]
Director : Shingo Abe [WOW]
CG Designer : Tsutomu Miyajima [WOW], Ryo Kitabatake [WOW]
Producer : Shinichi Saeki [WOW]
Project Manager : Ayaka Motoyoshi [WOW]
Technical Director : Nobumichi Asai [WOW]
Technical Director : Atsushi Yoshimura [WOW]
Technical Director : Atsushi Yoshimura [WOW]
System Development : Fumihiko Saito [Solidray]
System Development : Ryusei Ito [Solidray]
System Development : Kimihiro Katayama [Solidray]
System Development : Yuya Takasu [Solidray]
System Development : Yoshihiro Watanabe [Kastam]
System Development : Ryusei Ito [Solidray]
System Development : Kimihiro Katayama [Solidray]
System Development : Yuya Takasu [Solidray]
System Development : Yoshihiro Watanabe [Kastam]
Videographer : Kimihiro Morikawa
Editor : Masanori Yamaguchi [REELVISION Co., Ltd.]
Colorist : Takatoshi Suzuki
Movie Retoucher : Masanori Obe [foton inc.]
Editor : Masanori Yamaguchi [REELVISION Co., Ltd.]
Colorist : Takatoshi Suzuki
Movie Retoucher : Masanori Obe [foton inc.]
Music & Vocalist : hatis noit
Model : Nanami [FLOS inc.]
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【Special Thanks】
foton inc.
Spacevision, Inc.
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Kao COCOLAB Project
Model : Nanami [FLOS inc.]
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【Special Thanks】
foton inc.
Spacevision, Inc.
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Kao COCOLAB Project
Chihiro Saegusa
Misako Kishi
Keiji Seto
Kyoko Fukunaga
Mika Nomura
Misako Kishi
Keiji Seto
Kyoko Fukunaga
Mika Nomura